
目前分類:Chanson-香頌 (22)

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第一名 當然是 Patricia Kaas

第二 是 Céline Dion

第三 Élodie Frégé (Élodie, Wanda Frégé,née le 15 février 1982生於1982年2月15日)

第四 Alizée (正媽Alizée Jacotey,born August 21, 1984)

第五 Anais (夠搞笑)

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趁著收假前介紹一下 這幾天每天都在聽julie zenatti的歌 

website http://www.juliezenatti.com/    http://www.jzenatti.com/

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從正妹變正媽的Alizee 又出新專輯囉
http://www.alizee-officiel.com/ Alizee officiel site 官網可以試聽幾乎整首的0.0

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Koxie- Site offiel 

nom ; Laure Cohen
 février 1972 à Paris

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Calogero 首張個人專輯

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Lara Fabian 不僅僅是資深的歌手
更跨足創作& 戲劇方面 可以說是全方位的藝人
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lara_Fabian - Profile

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Christophe Willem

.法國Nouvelle Star歌唱比賽第四季冠軍得主

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Grégory Lemarchal 1983-2007 

簡稱 GL 從Star Academy 法國歌唱選秀節目出身 從小罹患疾病 Cystic Fibrosis 於2007年4月死亡

GL 擁有天賴般的歌聲 卻英才早逝 令人惋惜

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Zazie <--------Profile

Je suis un homme

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In the nineteenth century, milord (also milor) was well-known as a word which continental Europeans (especially French) whose jobs often brought them into contact with travellers (innkeepers, guides, etc.) commonly used to address Englishmen or male English-speakers who seemed to be upper-class (or whom they wished to flatter) — even though the English-language phrase "my lord" (the source of "milord") played a somewhat minor role in the British system of honorific forms of address, and most of those addressed as "milord" were not in fact proper "lords" (members of the nobility) at all. The word "milord" was occasionally borrowed back into the English language in order to be used as a sarcastic or jocular reference to British travellers abroad.

Milord, the Chanson

Milord or Ombre de la Rue is a 1959 song (lyrics by Georges Moustaki, music by Marguerite Monnot), famously sung by Édith Piaf. It recounts the feelings of a lower-class "girl of the port" (perhaps a prostitute) who develops a crush on an elegantly attired apparent upper-class British traveller (or "milord"), whom she has seen walking the streets of the town several times (with a beautiful young woman on his arm), but who hasn't even noticed her. The singer feels that she is nothing more than a "shadow of the street" (ombre de la rue).

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Le ciel bleu sur nous peut s'effondrer

Et la terre peut bien s'écrouler

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M'entends-tu quand je te parle
Dans la prison de ton coeur
Je connais le poids de tes larmes

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Mon coeur, mon amour, mon amour, mon coeur {x2}

Ca dégouline d'amour,

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Nos univers
A contre-courant
Tout à l'envers ...

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